As an artist, educator, and the founder of SOULIO, I believe passionately that creativity and play not only illuminate our strengths and originality, but also help us to discover our unique purpose and potential. Proficiency in art is not the goal of my work; rather it is the experiential process, using artful activities in a supportive, positive, and non-judgmental way that guides us toward deeper insight, discovering our voice, trusting intuition and taking risks necessary for growth.


After a rich career as an illustrator and designer, Jennie chose a path that allows her to use creativity as a teaching tool for soulful investigation and self-expression. In addition to studying with such luminaries as Angeles Arrien, David Whyte, Michael Meade, and Jean Houston, she has completed coursework in psychology and is trained in Experiential Art Therapy, the Hoffman Process, and SoulCollage facilitation, learned from founder Seena Frost.
Jennie holds degrees from University of California at Santa Barbara and Art Center College of Design, and leads retreats and classes throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA, and in other location worldwide, including Spain and Bali.
Using SoulCollage® as a springboard, these intuitively collaged cards tell personal stories, dreams, challenges. Created from our deepest wisdom and unconscious, these artifacts offer valuable insight to guide us.
Learn more about my work with SoulCollage®

"What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?"
- David Whyte